Stay Home, stay safe. It’s the phrase of the week, maybe even year. It’s what we’ve been told by leaders, scientists, and medical professionals. While we do our best to follow the principle, the uncertainty of it all can have many feeling like Belle in Beauty and the Beast when she sings “is this home? Am I here for a day or forever?” Or perhaps those trying to figure out how to balance at-home work and school relate to Thomas Jefferson in Hamilton who asks, “I came home to this?” A select few are by now, settling into their new normal and feel quite like Thernardier in Les Misérables, a true “Master of the House, doling out the charm.”
Any way you are staying safe, we are grateful for every actor, staff, or audience member that
has ever felt at home with us. Whether it’s been for weeks of rehearsals that stretch past midnight only to come back again early the next morning, or for just a few hours as you allow us to tell a story that makes you laugh, cry, sing, or love as only the theater can do.
The Sugar Factory Playhouse has its own troubled history of trying to find a long-term home
address. This summer marks 25 years since our first production in the park, making us the oldest established permanent floating community theater in Utah. Despite that, there is a feeling of familiarity from the moment a cast sits down to the first script read through to the moment an audience member finds their seat before the curtain goes up. It’s a feeling of community, shared experiences and emotions, and being part of something good. It feels like home. Or at least we hope it does for all that come experience a show with us.
For the time being our figurative curtains will stay drawn closed. We hope that by summer we will be able to go ahead with our musical as planned. Our April production, The Curious Savage will be performed at some time in the fall.
While you stay at your home to help support and protect the members of your family and
community, know that the Sugar Factory Playhouse will also continue to be there for the community and our theater family for many shows to come. We look forward to the next time we can welcome you home.